Woke up in London yesterday...

Lately ( or maybe always) I've been missing London. My study abroad there was truly a life changing experience. Now, I'm sure I've never missed something more. There are a few things I miss.
1) The city. The double deckers, the tube, the parks, the gardens, the castles, the palaces, the musicals and plays, the museums and the food. London is just so darn classy and it has buildings older than America. Life in London is so different from my childhood growing up in a small country town. It was a new adventure and I loved it for the culture, the setting and the the people.
2)The experiences. Traveling to church with a backpack and some solid shoes (it was a long walk) made me feel like a missionary. That was fun. But I loved the fresh air, the cute little houses I passed and the peace and quiet of life in England. I loved rushing home for dinner, knowing I'd be in big trouble if I was late for an amazing meal. I loved everyday doing something fun for the first time.

3)The people. People change. I mean this in the best way possible. Since London many of us have gone on missions, gotten married, moved across the country and so on. We will never be the 40 girls in the London flat again and as sad as I am to lose those great roommates and traveling companions, I'm happy we are all doing great things.
4)The Freedom. This, I think, is what I miss the most. I can still see those girls. I can relive the experiences. I can visit London again. But I don't think I'll have that much freedom ever again. For one thing, I could shop like there was no tomorrow. Who cared if I would return to the States poor? I was having the time of my life! I was free to buy fun souvenirs, spend hours in museums, take a weekend trip to France, take pictures in the park all day and just LIVE. I didn't really have any responsibility. Don't worry, I know responsibility is good. I love getting paychecks knowing I earned them, I love collapsing on my bed after a long day working, I love budgeting and planning and learning when to put needs before wants. BUT. zero responsibility is pretty nice. Mostly because of the sitting and thinking. Walking around museums contemplating some of the world's greatest art, running in the park and then relaxing on a bench by the lake as long as I wanted, napping, and wandering the streets of a city with endless possibilities was a dream come true. Life slowed down in London and I learned a lot about myself and the world around me.

Anywho. That was just me reminiscing. As much as I miss London my memories still feel fresh like it was yesterday and I grew so much there that I'm never in danger of forgetting. Plus, since I saw that life could be so much more than I ever thought, it has inspired me to find that again. I'm sure my mission will be one of those experiences. I will change lives, be changed by others, and learn to appreciate the truly important parts of life so much more.
P.S. The post title is from a song by Onerepublic.


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