The Life of an Amoeba

Wow. I am horrible at blogging regularly. I should just quit claiming that I will, then I will avoid the self disappointment when I don't. Haha.
This post won't be exciting or anything, just a basic update on me.
Here are some fun things that have caught my attention this past month:

1) Pocket Princesses. Find it on facebook. This lady draws cartoons of Disney Princesses if they all lived together and it is the funniest thing I've seen. It's squirt water out of my nose funny! Well, at least to me but I have been labeled as easily amused, so be aware of that. So if you are having a bad day, go read these.

2) Crochet. For a while I've been dubbed as an "old soul." I wear nightgowns, my back creaks, I use words like hooligans. So I figured I'd finish off the image and start crocheting. I made some book covers and it was fun. Nothing fancy. It made my TV watching time seem like less of a waste because my hands were busy. Who knew that two hours of sitcoms could result in a cover for my scriptures? Who's the couch potato NOW, huh?!

3) The Temple. Going to the temple weekly, sadly, is like my promise to blog weekly. A Failure. I go about once a month which isn't bad, but I want to go more. The Temple is so important to me. Plus, I work about ten steps from it. Well, a friend called me up and invited me to go with her once a week. Answer to a pleading prayer? I think yes. So we started going. And then I started going on my own sometimes and going with my ward. Temple attendance went up as did my happiness thermometer.

4) Sleep. I don't sleep as much as I should or would like. I refuse to admit to insomnia. No pills will help. My mind is just so BUSY at night. I think some wires got crossed and my brain thinks lying down means putting the thinking cap on, not the night cap. There comes a point when it is 2 in the morning and you are still thinking about the candy wrapper you left on the desk or the unanswered email or the clothes in the dryer when all you can do is hold a pillow over your head and scream. Then, within minutes I fall asleep. Apparently the wires for counting sheep and screaming got crossed too. Ugh.

5) Food. I try to eat healthy. I really do. I don't eat candy (despite the candy wrapper on my desk that keeps me up at night... It was just a baby snickers bar okay?!) I don't eat cake (I don't LIKE cake. ew. except cupcakes...I don't know why) I rarely eat cookies, brownies, etc. What do I eat that is bad? Apparently everything. A doctor filled me in on what is wrong with the wheat we eat and got me checking the sugar content of all my foods. I'm not as healthy as I thought. I tried to eat healthier stressed me out. So I stopped. I eat my fruits and veggies though thank you very much. Sometimes that fruit is cut up in a bowl of captain crunch cereal but still. It counts right?

6) Marriage and Missions. If you aren't getting married you are going on a mission. If you aren't going on a mission you are getting married. If you aren't doing either of those you may be going to graduate school. If you aren't doing any of those you are living under a rock, like me (call me patrick starfish). The other day while I lay spread out on my bed like an amoeba (I just really like that word. It makes me giggle), drowning my mother in my sorrows, she said, "Being an adult is boring isn't it?" Um, YEA! Why did you not warn me of this before my 18th birthday?! I totally would of...revolted...uhh, well...anyway, you should have warned me! What do I do? work. church. sleep. eat. TV. read. rinse and repeat. My best friend and I sat on pool chairs staring at the clouds for about 30 minutes straight, not talking, before we turned to each other and said, "We need lives." I already served a mission. Marriage is not something you can simply sign up for and start next fall. Graduate school can be signed up for and started next fall but do I want it to? So here I am, living under this rock feeling sorry for myself. So....yea........I bought a new plant. :)

Yep. My life. I'm sure that was a bestseller right there. But don't get me wrong. I love my life. I really do. My job is what I would call comfy with room to grow. Church is always a learning and growing experience. Sleeping and eating: essential to survival. TV and reading aren't too bad. Plus, there is this nice house I have my eye on. By have my eye on I mean drive by creepily a couple times a day and pine after...probably creeping out the owners. That's fun. :)


P.S. I also discovered some fun new music. Look up:
-Disney Dudez by IM5 (I really like Disney stuff)
-The Wizard of Ahhs by Todrick Hall
-Pentatonix (I LOVEEEEE Acapella. It's the best)


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