Singe Awareness Day!

For Valentine's Day this year I didn't give out candy, I didn't buy cards, and i didn't think about boys. I hung out with the girls and had a party that made the neighbors complain (literally)! We dressed up 40's style, shared romantic and embarrassing stories, ate pineapple and cookies and danced the night away. It was so much fun! It was sort of nice breaking away from the traditional celebration and doing our own thing.
The stories were all either really cute or really funny. What can I say? We're an interesting group of girls. We had a gift exchange/ secret Valentine. Everyone drew a name and had to buy that person a present for under 5 pounds. It wasn't hard to find something they would love with all the souvenir shops around and all of us love souvenirs! I was pretty excited when I got some Kit Kats. My favorite!
One of our professors and his wife gave us all roses which was sweet. We had fun taking pictures with those.
I hope everyone else had a great Valentine's Day!


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