It was beginning to be one of those days. Couldn't find my glasses, locked my keys in my car, the shower nozzle broke and water got EVERYWHERE, cut my finger. Who let all the monkeys out of the cage?! SERIOUSLY?! I hate those days. Not only that, a particular person in my life was being hard on me and making me feel like an idiot. Whether or not that was their intention, I was starting to believe it. It all hit at once and it felt like too much to bear. Since crawling into bed and disappearing for a couple decades wasn't an option (I'd rather not sleep through the end of my twenties, I think they have lots of potential) I knelt down to pray. All I could say was "God, tell me I'm not an idiot. I just need to feel like I'm worth something." Almost instantly all those bad feelings went away and I felt, no, I KNEW I was important. Even if nobody else loved me (don't worry, I know I'm loved ❤️) I KNEW God loved me unconditionally. He knows my poten...
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