Termites and Midnights and Night Lights

It has been too long. I've been...well I could say busy but I'd be lying. Actually I've been lazy and boring and that means watching lots of episodes of FRIENDS, eating mac and cheese for breakfast, and taking naps in the sun. No one wants to hear about that.
But I did do some fun things =)
I decided to take Biology this summer. Now, for those who don't know, Math and Science are the names of those two little demons in Disney's Hercules movie...at least in my mind. So Biology is my LAST general core class at BYU. Most people take it their 1st semester of college and I'm taking it my senior year. I've been dreading it.
Well, so far it has been surprisingly enjoyable. We read a book called Voodoo Science (I know, I know) and it was really cool. Now we are reading a book about decisions and it has guys blowing up missiles and firefighters in action. It rocks!
Don't worry, it gets better.
Today we played with TERMITES!! Okay we didn't play with them we observed their behavior. If you draw a circle on paper they will walk along it like little wood eating soldiers. It's so cute!
SO my coworkers and I are ridiculous and we like to go eat breakfast at midnight when we are all a little...loopy. It's so much fun though. We film the funny moments and when you watch them the next morning they are so funny! And you should all give me a pat on the back because I ate nearly all of my meal. (note about Mary: I rarely finish my meals at restaurants. It's a curse really.)
Nope, not that kind of night light. This might be silly, but I'm slightly OCD about my sleeping habits. Both sides of the sheet must be tucked in around me, I have to have a pillow at my feet, I wear ear plugs, AND there can be NO NO NO light. Well guess what computers like to do at night? FLASH A BLINKY LIGHT! I just received a replacement computer and am in the middle of transferring all my stuff from the old one to the new one so I have 2 computers sitting on my desk flashing their little torture bulbs all night.In the end I had to cover them with 2 blankets. I realize that was probably the most boring paragraph you've ever read, but...c'est la vie.


  1. I just discovered your blog! You are so incredibly adorable!

  2. And I really like feeding your fish.


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