March! March! March!

I love the month of March.

The sun starts to come out.

The flowers start to bloom(or be planted).

My birthday rolls around.

March is lovely.

Also, in case you were wondering (which I know you were) I went to the Doctor's the other day for a check-up, you know, check the blood, the ears, the throat, the yada yada yada and when I stepped on the weight scale I almost giggled.


I usually don't talk about girly things like weight, but I was just so giddy to be back to my slim jim self. Haha.

London was full of Carbs. Paris was full of desserts. Weight gain was inevitable. A small price to pay for the adventures of a lifetime and now I have all the sweet memories and I lost my unwanted "souvenirs."

Also, another update that you probably WERE wondering about. I'm graduating in 9 MONTHS!!! Babies are born in that time! (I'm sorry! Nothing else cool happens in 9 months, it's the only comparison I could think of.)

I'm uber excited and who wouldn't be?! I've been in school since I was...5 or some other young and delicate age. 16 years is a long time to be learning. Don't worry though. My learning won't stop after college. I'm dreaming big dreams. BIG dreams. In these dreams I see my own little...apartment. I see myself and And most of all I'll be working as a full-time...human? (not buying it? I didn't think so.) Career will be decided in the near future. No worries.

Anywho....I should go to bed since I've been waking up cranky lately. Plus I have a lot to do tomorrow like painting, drawing, appointments and 80's Night at the bowling alley. Woohoo!!!


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