The Nice-r side of Life
Bonjour! For the weekend of my 20th birthday I went to Nice France! In case you don't know which you probably do it is pronounced Niece as in the cute little girls your siblings have. =)
I won't tell you a day to day recap but I'll give you the highlights. Nice is beautiful. It is on the coast of the
Mediterranean sea and the coast is called the Cote D'Azur, which is an appropriate name because azur(blue) is what the water is. I mean it is REALLY blue! So dazzling. The specific area where we were was called the baie d'anges which means bay of angels.=) Here is the story:
LONDON: So in the morning at 3am at the London Centre I woke up to shower and get ready. We catch a taxi to Marble Arch station where our bus was supposed to take us to the airport (could I take any more forms of transportation in one day?). Well, long story short, we chased the bus down the street literally running after it screaming because the bus stop was about 1/2 a mile away from where we thought it was. SO 5am and we were stranded in the middle of London. Eventually we found another licensed cab and paid a large sum of money to get to the airport. We ran to catch our flight (imagine the Home Alone family running through the airport, but it is only three very irritated girls haha) and barely made it: 6:28 and the gate closes at 6:30. Off to France! We land and after the rainy atmosphere of London the sunny, slightly windy SALTY air was heaven. Then we saw the pebble beaches and the blue water and fell in love. It was so pretty. So we laid on the beach A LOT. We also took a train ride around the city. We also stayed in a 2 star hotel with a crack from floor to ceiling in our
room and mysterious stains on our pillowcases. Our first night, dinner was a trick (I know I said a brief recap but...I'm stalling, I don't want to go to bed!). First we went to an Irish France (haha) and order smoked Salmon sandwiches. You know what we got? Sushi and cream cheese on freaking wheat patties! Good Grief Charlie Brown! At least the apple juice was good. So we went to a supermarche aka grocery store and bought nutella and crepes and kitkats and had a late night dinner and watched french soap operas and game shows. The next day, my BIRTHDAY! we took the train ride and laid on the beach and exercised our legs on scooters and roller blades. Then we went out and had pizza and dessert! Hmm, I think that is about it. I got my feet wet and it felt like paradise to my toes! I loved it. The water was too cold to get in all th
e way and this Duckie didn't have a bathing suit (plus I fail at swimming but shh don't tell). We walked up and down the promenade d'angalis and it was so fun. We had slurpies and listened to an accordion player. And we saw the missionaries!!! We shouted "Hi Elders!" and at first they looked a little scared and perplexed but then they smiled and waved. France in a nutshell. There you go. Paris is in two days so stay tuned.
I won't tell you a day to day recap but I'll give you the highlights. Nice is beautiful. It is on the coast of the

LONDON: So in the morning at 3am at the London Centre I woke up to shower and get ready. We catch a taxi to Marble Arch station where our bus was supposed to take us to the airport (could I take any more forms of transportation in one day?). Well, long story short, we chased the bus down the street literally running after it screaming because the bus stop was about 1/2 a mile away from where we thought it was. SO 5am and we were stranded in the middle of London. Eventually we found another licensed cab and paid a large sum of money to get to the airport. We ran to catch our flight (imagine the Home Alone family running through the airport, but it is only three very irritated girls haha) and barely made it: 6:28 and the gate closes at 6:30. Off to France! We land and after the rainy atmosphere of London the sunny, slightly windy SALTY air was heaven. Then we saw the pebble beaches and the blue water and fell in love. It was so pretty. So we laid on the beach A LOT. We also took a train ride around the city. We also stayed in a 2 star hotel with a crack from floor to ceiling in our

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