Step 1: choose a blog name
I choose a random cliche that makes me giggle. Are clams happy? Have you asked them? The ones in Alice in Wonderland aren't...oh wait...those are oysters. Anywho, I consider myself a rather happy person and wanted to write about my happy adventures so...what better title than that?
Step 2: Choose a nickname
Why did I choose Duckie? two reasons. 1) I sometimes remind people of Duckie from the land before time. She's my hero because she's so happy! 2) If you've ever seen Pretty in Pink, Ducky is my knight in shining armor. He's funny, clever, and..well, Ducky.
Step 3: Write
I love to write. I write poems, I write novels, I write essays, I write emails, I write agendas, I write notes, I write whatever feels right. blog is me trying on travel writing. I'll be writing about my trip to LONDON!!!!!!!!!! and Paris and Wales (both equally as exciting as London but I didn't want to overuse the exclamations).


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