Lessons in Humility...my favorite

Hello Readers!
So. I write. A lot. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not but that's okay. Sometimes it's a blog post and sometimes it's a short story. VERY RARELY it is a poem. This is one I wrote back in college. I barely remember composing it. But as I was decluttering my computer I ran across it and thought I would share. I hope you enjoy.
P.S. This isn't completely true or false. It's bits and pieces of both. For example: I never owned a Chevy. haha. But it is made of some experiences I have had in learning how much I must rely on God through the good and bad times. There will always be struggles in our lives. ALWAYS. But they are so much easier to carry when we stay close to the Lord and let Him help us carry them

My bad day was a Monday
That’s nothing new for me
On Monday I always trip or fall
Forget my phone or lose my keys

I stubbed my toe at 7
The shower was cold at 8
Poured juice into my cereal
That made me really late

I forgot to read my scriptures
But lecture starts at nine
And if I miss another day
I’ll have crossed the final line

I didn’t bring a jacket
And it began to rain
I screamed out at the heavens
I must have looked insane

At work I lost my name tag
I was feeling rather blue
So it was hard to smile and say
“Sir, how may I help you?”

When I came home that night
And burst out into tears
I tripped over the rug
I broke my full length mirror

Seven years bad luck?
Bring it on Ol’ Fate
You’ve got nothin’ I can’t handle
You’re taunting, it’s too late

I finally couldn’t take it
I had to plead with God
If ever I needed help
I’d grab the iron rod

“Please help me, will you God?
I can’t take all this luck
It seems whatever day it is
In misery I’m stuck”

Before I could go on
A voice inside my head
It silenced me without a word
With nothing it had said

The presence of this voice
Was a feeling not a sound
It touched my very soul
And threw me to the ground

“You fall upon your knees
Like the Savior did before
You cry your desperate pleas
He bled from every pore

His suffering was great
You think that yours is worse?”
“No,” I said “I don’t
I just don’t want this curse”

“If you’re to be My child,”
The voice of God told me
“Then you must suffer too.
Redemption isn’t free.”

“But I thought Christ did that?”
I asked with great confusion
“He suffered all my pains
His soul was in seclusion.”

The voice of God was great
“Your deliverance was not prearranged
To feel His mercy, feel His power
You must grow and learn and change”

I can’t argue with God
So I knew I’d have to deal
I closed with an amen
And got up from my kneel

The next day brought more troubles
My heart was growing heavy
I just about gave up on life
When death fell upon my Chevy

Stranded on the highway
I bowed my head in shame
“I brought this on myself
I’m the one to blame.”

I only called on God
When things were looking down
Only then did I remember
He who wore the crown

If I’m to be forgiven
For the selfishness I’ve shown
I’ve got to make things right
But I can’t do it on my own

So once again I prayed
I said a familiar line
“I do not know why Christ would save
A soul as proud as mine

But Father, please forgive me
For my insolence and pride
Now I know without Thee
 On this earth I’d not reside

My suffering is painful
But His was so much worse
If I but try to do what’s right
Maybe I’ll lose this curse”

That night when I got home
After my roommate saved the day
I sat down with my scriptures
To read and pray, read and pray

The words of Nephi shone
My spirits they did pick up
I felt my Savior take my burden
Take my bitter cup

My heart was feeling lighter
I knew what I must do
“God, I have to have faith;
I have to trust in you”

“My child that is the answer:
Repent and follow Christ.
If you stay on the narrow path
Then that, it will suffice.”

I see with my own eyes
My trials aren’t so grand
Mine disappear in days
The Savior’s linger on His hands

I know I must be humble
Forget myself each day
Be a light, a bright example
In what I do and say

If I but read my scriptures
If I even say my prayers
My Lord, my God, my Savoir
Will show me that He cares

The greatest truth I know
Where my testimony begun
Is that God so loved the world
He gave His Only, Begotten Son

And if I follow His gospel
If His disciple I shall be
In a voice that is the spirit He’ll say
“I will comfort thee.”


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