Finding God and finding me

Now I get to make a lot of decisions. Who will my friends be? What kind of example will I be to co-workers? Where will I work? Where will I live? What are my goals? What will I eat for dinner? P.S. I hate decisions.

The main reason I am so different is because of my strengthened relationship with God. The center of my universe is Jesus Christ and the thing that makes my world go round is the Gospel. I came to really learn who I am, not in the world's eyes, but in God's eyes ( I like that view better). I learned how to be a better person, what my main goal in life is and how much incredible and unbelievable love and support I have from the other side of the veil. I came to truly know who Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are and that knowledge changed me in ways I didn't know possible. I am forever grateful to my Heavenly Family for making me a better girl. Now I will return the favor and continue to share this knowledge with my friends and family back home.
My mission was, is and will always be a blessing. I will love those people for eternity and the things they taught me alongside the things I taught are now a part of who I am. I am better equipped to take on the world and I'm finally ready to do so. My life pre-mission and post-mission are two different lives. One was experiences preparing me to serve, the other is experiences that are a result of that service. Who I was before my mission and who I am now are two different people. One was searching for God, the other found Him.

-The former Sister Williams: Missionary


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