I wish I were a little bit taller...

The subject of this post is in reference to the fact that it has been brought to my attention a record number of times this past week that: "Mary, you're really small." Yes, I am, thanks for the notice. Would you like the statistics? Well, here they are:
  • SHOE SIZE: Anywhere from 5 1/2 to 6 1/2.
  • HEIGHT: 5'3
  • WEIGHT: between 100 and 130 lbs., that's all you need to know.
  • AGE: 21 years and 1o months
  • MOST FREQUENTLY GUESSED AGE: (if they know I'm in college) 20 or (if they don't know) 16
There ya go. Yes, I am a small person. No one needs to remind me since I am quite aware of the fact considering I can't reach the top shelf of my closet, I can't screw in a light bulb, even on a chair unless on my tiptoes and I have to look UP at people. But my grandpa always said, "Dynamite comes in small packages." =)

Moving on. I am 55 days away from college graduation. Just thought you all should know.


  1. You aren't small, you are fun sized! And I agree with your grandpa. =)


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