General Conference

I was so excited this morning to blog about General Conference. I started this post over and over and over, never getting the wording quite right. I finally decided I was having so much trouble because I wanted to express the joy General Conference brings me in a few paragraphs, but that isn't possible.
Genera Conference is a gathering of Latter-Day Saints(Mormons) to listen to the leaders of our church speak messages of hope, guided by the Holy Spirit, inspired by God. Hearing these messages twice a year is what I look forward to. General Conference is the lighthouse I move towards in the storm, to lead me back to safe ground. It inspires me to serve others, it encourages me to persevere through hard times, and it makes me smile.
No matter who you are or what you believe, I encourage everyone to watch at least one session of General Conference. What's it gonna hurt? If nothing else you'll get to hear beautiful music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, hear some miraculous stories, and get some wonderful ideas on how to have a happy home.
I hope everyone has a great Easter and remembers what it is all about. =)


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