The Westcoast MaryLand
I'm not that interesting and I'm easily amused.
Life is great. This is a step-by-step guidebook to being
a Mary. Enjoy.

Step #8: Be friends with echinoderms. They are great listeners...until the crawl away.
Step #9: Admire all things PURPLE.
Step #10: Be friends with a Carol. She provides you with parking passes among numerous other friend benefits.
Step #11: Be friends with a Kyle. He has a house. Nuf said.
Step #12: Learn to blend into dark backgrounds and not show up in pictures. (WARNING! :This step may require long hours in the sun and result in skin damage. Sorry)
Step #13: Be adopted into the coolest family of redheads EVER!
Step #14: Practice this daily.
Step #15: Stand on your couch and play your bass guitar until the couch falls over (true story)
Thank you for completing this guidebook to becoming a Mary Williams. If you have accomplished all steps you are now weird, gullible, and slightly 5 years old.
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