Cause oh baby it's CHRISTMAS all over again

Hmmm....I decided to write again. Life after London is feeling pretty dull so finding something worthy of writing about is hard. All I do is school work school work sleep eat sleep eat DIE! But I figured if I want to enjoy my life as much as I did in England. I have to enjoy the little moments. So.
First, I've met some more famous people. 2 Christmas Concerts. David Archuleta's and Kurt Bestor's.
David Archuleta:

And a really cool drummer named Eric Valentine:

Hooray for claims to fame! Hahaha.
Anywho. Moving on. So the stories behind these encounters are kind of fun. Both in SLC in the same building in the same room on very different nights. I attended the David Archuleta concert with my roommate whose Dad was performing with David so we got good seats(about the 4th row back) and backstage passes. Woohoo!! What I love about David is not his look or his amazing voice or his being Mormon or famous even. I love that after American Idol and everything else he's done. He's still just a kid. He isn't self centered or rude or demeaning. He's your average American 18 (now 19) year old boy. It made me happy. Fame hasn't destroyed everyone's souls. =)
Meeting the drummer was at my roommates Dad's concert. The drummer was playing there and since my roommate performed i this concert our FHE group went back stage to see her and her Dad. I decided "what the heck, I'll never meet this guy again" so I got a picture with him. He had THE MOST AWESOME drum solo by the way. he was blindfolded. It was sweet.
Well my New Years resolution is to do exciting stuff so I can write about it without turning my blog into a bedtime story. zzz.
Alright well I'm off like a dirty shirt.


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