Were you born in a barn?! These guys were.

This last week we took a trip to Stratford-upon-Avon. For those of you who don't know, this is the city where Shakespeare, his wife Anne Hathaway, and his mother Mary Arden all were born and lived. I was never much of a Shakespeare fan until I started taking the class here, but I really loved seeing these sites. It's history. But, as great as good old Shakey is, I think I enjoyed the animals more than anything.
The first picture up there is of Dave the Robin. He lives at Anne Hathaway's cottage. He was the friendliest bird. The
lady told us about him and he didn't run
from her when she was inches from him.
He was so cute and noisy! Loved him!
Next, we see the cow. This was at Mary Arden's farm. He was plastic, yea, but still a cow and still pretty fun. We all decided since there weren't any frogs to kiss, he would do. Let's name him Melvin.
P.S. In case you were curious I don't usually do kissy pictures because the person with the camera ALWAYS makes the remark, "You have big lips!" Ha ha. Yes, I know, they're quite the commodity.
Once we moved on from Melvin we met the Pigmy's! The Goats! They were pretty adorable. I couldn't hug them so I settled for feeding them. The black and white one (let's call her Oreo) was more than eager to be fed. She still kept a good figure though. I wasn't the first and certainly not the last hand she ate from. Hungry goats. We can all see, let's call him Billy, in the back, who is quite jealous. I'm sorry Billy! The professors were calling me! I was supposed to be on the bus at that moment....oops.
Earlier that day we saw England's most
notorious animal. The one, the only, the
Sheep! As I've said before, they are taking
over the world. These one's were doing it
in style. They had very very curly hair. It was so cute! Not as soft and fluffy but still pretty sweet. One of them said, "Baa!" and it didn't sound like you'd expect. You expect like a deep, kind of grumbly sheep sound. Nope I could of sworn it was a human but it wasn't.
Another P.S. It was about ten a.m. so all of the animals are eating. The goats, the sheep, the others, yea. All eating.
The MOST EXCITING part of the day
was catching an owl! You heard me. The owl, Angus, sat about twenty or thirty feet away on the ground. I put of the cool leather glove, the lady put some nasty meat in my hand, and Angus came swooping in! This is Angus and me smiling for the camera. You can see he's the more photogenic one. He can pull off those sexy "I'm too cool to smile" photos while I pull off the "I'm so excited I could scream!" cheesy smiles. Ha ha. We are a great pair.
well, Angus, The Sheep (there are so many I can't name them all), Dave, Melvin, Oreo and Billy were all very entertaining. Shakespeare was cool too. I saw his grave. I'm not a huge fan of graves since they are just a stone case in a church where some ashes might be (we know he isn't still there) but it was kind of cool. Most of all I loved seeing The Tempest. It was so good! there was a cool South African spin on it. Made it more interesting. Plus, i met someone pretty darn cool. I mean, this guy is the BEE'S KNEES! I know. I've got you hooked now. But you have to wait until my post about FAMOUS PEOPLE!!!!! Coming soon.


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