Can a city just shut down? Apparently.

Sunday during church the 10 and 11 year old boys couldn't pay attention to Amanda's lesson because snowflakes were falling. I was surprised how fast they ran to the window. Within half an hour it stopped.
Sunday night during the fireside WE couldn't pay attention to the stake president because it was snowing outside. This time it didn't stop!
Monday morning we wake up to about 3 or 4 inches of snow! The tube was closed. The buses weren't running. Over 600 schools closed. Millions of Londoners didn't go to work. London had its biggest snow day in almost 2 decades!
London had no plows or salt so to venture out of the centre was like walking into a Winter Wonderland. Everyone built snowmen on the sidewalks, they were sledding and sliding down hills across from Big Ben and Parliament and Hyde Park was one giant snowball fight. London was having a blast! (until they realized it costs a couple million dollars to shut down a city. Eek!) Well, I sadly didn't get to document everything because 1) I didn't have boots and my feet were soaked 2) The tube was closed and no buses open-long walk to parliament 3) We were enjoying staying inside doing our homework for once, drinking hot cocoa and eating digestives (cookies). That night we watched some American Idol and Father of the Bride ( I think) and then everyone got on to Skype and called their families to yell, "It's snowing in London!"
But, we did go to Cafe Diana which is named after Princess Diana and has about 200 pictures of her on its walls. We had fish and chips which were so good and enjoyed watching all the people outside. Later we ran down to Melvin's and bought lemonade and newspapers and Hit cookies and Digestives then headed back to the centre. It was a fun day. It snowed on and off all day and we ended the day with 6 inches. London was beautiful and us girls from Utah...had to laugh at how little snow and big reactions there were. =)


  1. so funny that the whole city was running around like chickens without their heads! hot chocolate and digestives sound heavenly :)


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