The Introverted life

So online I found a list of 53 things about introverts and it made me all warm inside like a toaster. The bread that popped out of this little toaster? This post. So read the commentary on my personal favorites then go check out the link at the bottom. It's real GFG (Good For Giggles).

53 is a lot to read so let me give you the highlights so you can understand me better:

#1.Have you ever been at a party with me and I suddenly just...disappear...I'm off recharging my battery. Leave me be.

#8. After about 3 text messages into our digital conversation you you be getting a saved response I have in my notes App.

#18. If you don't think I spend 3 hours every weekend starring at the ceiling fan or watching ripples in the don't know me at all.

#22. If you show up to my house unannounced and I'm not home...SHH! In actuality I'm probably watching you through the blinds wishing you away with my mind. I need time to prepare to talk to people. Even you. Sorry.

#34. I hate introducing myself so this is the story of my life EVERY. SUNDAY.

#37. If we are texting and you ask to call me I will literally go jump in the shower for 30 minutes simply so I can say I was too busy to answer your call. Talking on the phone is the devil. (I realize I probably shouldn't give away this little secret. Sometimes I actually DID just decide to take a 30 minute shower and it has nothing to do with you calling....) If I enjoy talking to you on the phone, consider yourself very special.

#44. When I really need alone time but life won't let me stay at home in bed, I put on headphones. So if you see me with headphones on and a slight scowl on my face, this is my equivalent to a turtle retracting into its shell. Or an armadillo. Or a hermit crab. Take your pick.

Here's the list. Also, no commentary, but #2, #24, #48 and #49 made me laught the hardest. If nothing else look at those 4 (also, language warning for 21 and 42 :)


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