The Down Escalator

As I was flipping through a book today something it talked about caught my eye. The woman was talking about strengths and weaknesses. We all know how easy it is to find fault in ourselves. It's easy to say I'm too this or not enough this. Finding strengths can be trickier. She mentioned how she went to her patriarchal blessing (a blessing members of the LDS church receive that is guidance from God, spoken through a priesthood holder) and as she read it she noticed that it mentioned many of her strengths and only a few weaknesses. So I went and read mine and found the same thing. Then the little starfish in my head said "if God focuses more on my strengths than on my weaknesses, maybe I should do that too."
More often than not, as we build upon our strengths and leave our little box of weaknesses on the bench next to us, those weaknesses will take care of themselves. It's like a cut. If you pick at it repetitively, it tends to get worse. But if you leave it alone and go along your merry way, one day you'll look down and it will be no more than a faint scar.
Another example. Focusing on weaknesses is like trying to get to the top by riding the down escalator. You have to run and try so hard to get to the top. But if you  take the up escalator (focusing on your strengths) it is SO. much. easier.

So go forth little buddies and be strong! Your weaknesses aren't as great as you think they are. One day they will be no more than a scar, reminding you of how far you've come and all you've overcome.


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