Life after college Part 2 - This is not goodbye...

So, this is somewhat of a continuation of the last post, this one has some real pictures. First, is the last picture I took with my amazing roommates Kelsey, Holly and Lauren. I love these girls. We had an amazing year with McDonalds and Glee and He's Just Not That Into You and boys and all of our silliness. Now we are all off living life to the fullest in different parts of the world. I'm sure one day we will all get back together for one more night of craziness.
Next is just a picture of me graduating from college. I was so excited! It was one of the best days of my life. Graduating from high school is exciting, but mostly because you're happy to be done with it since you HAD to go to high school. I paid thousands of dollars, moved away from my family and friends, stayed up until midnight reading, trudged around in the snow all by choice. It was hard. There were plenty of times when I wanted to give up. But I didn't. And I finally made it to that glorious day when I could celebrate this great accomplishment. It was a bit bittersweet though. During college I often couldn't help but focus on the downsides: the studying, the weather, the lack of home cooked meals. But I tried to take some time out to focus on the good things, and those are things I will never forget: My new found love of Bowling, My trip to Europe, My increased knowledge of things I didn't know I'd want to know, Attending crazy sports events, sleepovers, late night madness, but most of all the people. Roommates, coworkers, classmates, professors, and just friends. I've met some of the most amazing people at BYU and my life wouldn't be the same without them. But, this is not goodbye. Our paths will cross again, I'm sure of it.

That's it for Life after college. Stay tuned for a post about the greatest letter I ever received that changed my life.


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