Paris, je t'aime

basically that is a list of places I visited while in Paris. It was wonderful! Paris is an amazing place.

1. Creepy old men with Vodka bottles
2. people on the streets trying to steal- I mean, sell to you.
3. The bats that fly around the Eiffel Tower
4. The hole in the bottom of your crepe
5. The unnecessary friendliness

5 things to love about Paris
1. The Eifel Tower. It is so big! 700 steps baby! Climbed every last one!
2. The Arc de Triomphe view. You can see all of Paris from here and it is so pretty at night.
3. Crepes and baguettes. there is a reason it is the cuisine capital of the world.
4. Price. Everything is SO expensive! ....I guess that is something to watch out for but I already had 5.
5. Don't believe anyone who tells you all Parisiennes (Paris dwellers) are rude. Fact: If you don't act like a stupid tourist, they won't act like rude french. Voila! They really are so interesting and fun to talk to in french and in English!
So the moral of this story is....Paris is magical!

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