Prime Time! Prime Meridian that is.

Do you want to know what time it is? 7:15pm (this will make more sense later)
So it has been a light year since I last wrote...sorry, the plague was circulating in the London Centre and I caught it!
On one of our day trips we visited Greenwich. Now, I could give you a short background of Greenwich and why it is important in case you don't know, but I won't (sorry, I get grumpy when I'm sick) so bear with me, it's the time keeper of the world basically.
So we took a boat ride to Greenwich which was really fun since I've been on a boat on a river, umm.....NEVER!!!(I don't get out much) So we floated down the Thames river passed St. Paul's Cathedral, under a dozen bridges, two which I loved: London Bridge (it didn't fall, don't worry) and Tower Bridge which many people mistake for London Bridge.
After a lovely boat ride we arrived in Greenwich. We spent some time shopping and exploring (wasn't a very exciting town) then went to the royal observatory and watched a show in the planetarium. It was cool. The voice guy explained constellations and showed us supernovas and black holes. Then we looked around the museum and bookstore.
Last thing we did was visit the Prime Meridian.
So we all took turns straddling it. It reminds me of the four corners because I was in 2 places at once: the west hemisphere and the East one. Woohoo! If you look at the names above my rain boots of cities: New York, Madrid, L.A., etc. that is where they are on the...latitude I think? Well anywho, I was at 0 degrees and it was pretty sweet.
The most exciting thing I did in Greenwich? Umm....I set my watch to Greenwich time. Not only is it 0degrees but as I said earlier it is the timekeeper so there is a clock there that is THE clock. No other clock is more accurate. So my clock is correct to Greenwich!! Woohoo! That will be my excuse if a professor ever says I'm late:
"Nope, my watch is set to Greenwich and I still have two minutes!"
"Okay, Ms. Smarty Pants."
" =P. "


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