Last week was spent in the Lake District. I didn't really know a lot about it and still don't to be honest, but it was so tranquile and relaxing there. The Lake District is where William Wordsworth (poet) and Beatrix Potter (children's author) lived. The towns were so cute and the sunset was to die for! Look a t it! I took a picture and my camera did a pretty good job at capturing the beauty (my camera knows when we get back to the states he is history and is being replaced by a newer model). 
We also visited a walled city which was kind of fun. They all look the same to me(walled cities that is) but I'm not the most observant, so, don't ask me. But since Spring is here England is coming alive and their national flower might as well be a daffodil because they are everywhere! And so cute and dainty! I love daffodils!

We visited Fountains Abbey where....I don't know, something of great importance happened...maybe not. But there was a lake and ruins and waterfalls. England is so lucky to be so beautiful! Not that America isn't pretty, it is. Like, I love the dead grass ad cactus look of New Mexico (no laughing! This is my home sweet home we are talking about). But there is something new and invigorating about the beauty of Europe.

Well, that's it for the Lake District. I think you should know I did not jump in the Lake with some of the girls: I don't think it's very sanitary and that water was airmailed here from Antarctica! So cold! =)
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