General Conference April 2017 Peace in Adversity

General Conference. The short definition is that two times a year the leaders of our church share messages with us to bless our lives and uplift our souls, messages that they were inspired to deliver by God. I firmly believe that no matter what faith you are of, you will find a talk in General Conference that will help you. All the talks are wonderful and a few really struck me but one phrase in particular was the answer to the plea I didn't know I had. Sometimes lately life has felt hard. Work gets stressful. I'm sleep deprived. I have big decisions to make and have no idea what I'm going to do. You know the feeling. Well, for a while there it was so much that daily I knelt down in my room and asked God what I'd done wrong. I felt like my life must be hard and so NOT peaceful because I'd somehow offended God. Yet, I feel like I've been doing pretty good. I'm in no way perfect. Sometimes my prayers are short, my scripture study is kind of basic, I fall asl...