
Showing posts from May, 2010


As I mentioned in my last post, I bought a new IPOD. I'm really excited about it and wanted to share about it. It has a few nice touches that my old one didn't such as: speakers (not just headphones) Bigger screen Also, it has lots of cool features and applications. Let me name some that make me really happy: I can watch movies and TV shows. I can surf the internet. I can text for free (not that I text that often but still...for FRREEE!!) I can access Itunes and buy stuff I can play all kinds of games (so much better than just solitaire) It has a cool map thing that locates where I am I can read classic books (Huck Finn, Count of Monte Cristo, etc.) for free I have the scriptures, general conference talks, gospel principles, Preach My Gospel and many more church materials So, I bought a decent priced Ipod and got a movie player/TV/Wifi/book collection.Ensign/scripture set/ GPS. And all in one tiny box. AMAZING.

Spring and Bowling Madness

Spring term has been kind of c r a z y . A lot of big changes (big for me) happened. 1) I'm now graduating next April not this D e c e m b e r . 2) I (hopefully) got a really cool internship for the summer that will point me in the direction of a possible career. 3) Moved into my lovely Townhouse (I love saying I have a "house"). 4) Bought a new Ipod which despite what you might think WAS a smart purchase for many reasons. Life is pretty darn peachy right now. =) Even still, I have a hard time finding things to write about, so I will ramble a little and hope somebody finds it interesting...or just plain silly. At work yesterday we had a 20 lane reservation for the Sports-Camp-Father-Son-Something-Or-Other. Well, I'd say well over 100 people came in between the h ours of 7pm and 9pm. Now I don't want to offend anyone and I'm sure it is hard to plan these things, but it did not go well. These father- son duos didn't all want to bowl together because ...