Jesus, my Friend

This quote is so sage and deep yet so simply clear. It's easy to think that Jesus is the center of our lives when we look at our religious practices; church on Sunday, prayer daily, scripture study, service. We can DO all the right things and be emulating the life of Christ, but there is more to the invitation that is given by Jesus as He accepts the role of our Savior. I think an often forgotten role (at least by me): FRIEND. I know that Jesus is my friend. After all, he did for me what no one else would or could. He suffered for me, He died for me, His whole earthly existence was to secure my salvation. But do I really understand that He is my friend? I always picture Jesus at the Great and Powerful, the Almighty, the Lord of all the Earth. I always see him as the Sun: great and wonderful, giving me light, but out of my reach. Jesus is always in our reach. He can be our personal friend. We don't need to be intimidated by Him or think He doesn't understand or care a...