Imma Toys "R" Us Kid and I don't wanna growup

Do you remember that song? Do you remember driving to Toys "R" Us and buying barbie dolls and tonka trucks to add to your already huge collection? Do you remember sitting in the 10 inch deep kiddie pool in your front yard? Do you remember watching Nickelodeon in the morning while eating your Captain Crunch before your mom dropped you off at school? I do. Like it was yesterday. And now, tomorrow, I graduate from college. I'm only 22 years old but I feel like I have lived forever. When someone asks me about my greatest memories I get so excited I don't know where to start. I have so many good memories and bad memories that I never want to forget and I can't believe that people can still tell me that my life is just beginning. This post could be really long and nostalgic but I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Right now, I've been really thinking about the whole "unknown" thing. I really feel like I'm stepping into the unknown but I'm not n...